Welcome to Kez’s Club.
Kez is the reason my husband Steve Yates and I (Vicki Yates) started the original Non Ridden Equine Facebook group. Tens of thousands of people have joined. Kez has his own Facebook page too - Kez the Non Ridden Cob. It is clear people are seeking resources to inspire, delight and educate. So here in Kez’s Club we share for FREE our personal insights, experience, and resources. I have been showcased many times for my horsemanship approach in different magazines. Those published articles I freely share on my website along with lots of other FREE resources in the Horsemanship Resources section. Here in Kez’s Club I share the many delights of non ridden. Great for all equines, be they non ridden or ridden. Although we call this Kez’s Club there is no membership or joining fee. All we ask is to join our Non Ridden Equine Facebook group and or Kez’s Facebook page so you can be kept up to date with news of new resources as they are added to this resource bank.
It is called Kez’s Club because Kez is the reason why we started the non ridden equine agenda. Kez is my daily inspiration for non ridden. Kez is my warrior healer horse and my world. This is a very personal sharing space. What I share here you can use as inspiration for your own personal journey with your equine alongside support from a professional of your own choice.
Enjoy the FREE resources. Our Gift with Love to You.
Walking / Hiking.
We love going out and about for a walk. It is a very natural activity for equines as in the wild they roam for miles each day. It is certainly very different experience to walk side by side with your horse rather than ride. It adds a totally different dimension to your relationship, one I encourage all to experience.
Here is a link to a FREE resource I have written on Walking and Hiking with Your Equine
When we go out and about Kez wears rhythm beads I have made him. The gentle jingle warns the wildlife of our approach giving it chance to leave so less to suddenly spook Kez.
A Facebook group we are a member of is Hiking with My Pony

Equines communicate to us all the time. Here I share with you some insights and a FREE download for you to enjoy.
- Telegraphing In. (An article that I wrote and was piblished in Horsemanship Magazine)
Equine Communication FREE Download.
- To check out Vicki Jayne Yates Equine Communication services click here.

play and Liberty Time
Play and liberty time is great for minds, bodies and souls. Play crosses a species divide. There is far more to play than first meets the eye. It comes in many different forms. Play enhances learning. Too many of us we are too hung up on the serious side of horsemanship to remember that play is very important. Each of us is different, so trying different types of play will enable you to find out which type of play you and your horse enjoy the most.
The Art of Play (Parts 1 and 2) Two articles I wrote and they got published in Horsemanship Magazine.

Obstacle challenges
Life can throw us many challenges and obstacles in our path. Time with our horses learning how to ethically navigate obstacles gives us opportunity to take the skills we learn into other areas of life. It is about cognitively processing, problem solving and think things through. Conquering fears. Developing competencies, enhanced confidence and a resiliency in facing future challenges. With Kez we see obstacle challenges as an extention of play and liberty time. We find it great for stimulation of minds, bodies and souls. Most of our obstacles we have made ourselves and Kez has tested out how well they are made. All have survived years of Kez's quality control, with the minor ongoing repairs.
- Equine Obstacle Challenges AKA Handy Pony AKA Agility
How to Get Started With Obstacle Challenges. FREE Download.
There are businesses that provide tuition and opportunities to compete.

Relationships we have with our equines can be profound, life changing and healing. I am a Reiki Practitoner. I feel there is a blurred line between reiki / healing and horsemanship. To me the heart to heart and soul to soul connection is what matters. My own relationships with my equines have shaped me, guided me and saved me. Here I share some of the insights I have learnt. If you are interested in the services I offer in this area click here.
- Merlot taught me about the Power of Love. (An article I had published in Horsemahsip Magazine)
- Horsemanship and Reiki Fusion.
- Warriors, Healer, Earth Angels and Soul Companions
- Intent and Energy (An article I had published in Western UK Magazine)
- Intent and Energy in Horsemanship. FREE Download.
- Ruby taught me about Earth Angels. (An article published in Horsemanship Magazine)
- Kez teaches me about Warrior Healer horses. The Warrior Horse. (Published in Horsemanship Magazine)

Long Reining
Long Reining. Traditionally long reining was part of a young equines education. Sadly this skill is not widely taught at grass roots and is at risk of becoming a dying art. Yet anyone can learn. It is a wise investment to have some sessions with a professional to learn how to long rein.
Activities to try: Long rein round an obstacle course. Walking and hiking. Dressage patterns. You can compete doing dressage in-hand including long reining via some online showing platforms. Long lining is the foundation to progression to driving. Pole work and much more.
The Benefits Include: As the bond, partnership and the relationship matters long reining can boost confidence and trust in equine and handler. It is a fantastic form of exercise for both equine and handler. It is a gentle exercise that can help as part of weight management. Long reining can be part of a number of activities that provide mental and physical enrichment. It can be done ethically using positive reinforcement.
Here is a free resource - How to Get Started Long Reining.

Positive Reinforcement / clicker training
Would you like an ethical way of engaging in activities with your equine? Would you like to be able to reward your equine for their efforts? If yes then positive reinforcement is for you. We use positive reinforcement with Kez for everyday handling, hoof trims, vet visits as well as in all our non ridden activities we enjoy with Kez.

Enrichment comes in many forms. We put together some suggestions on activities you can do together with your equine based on what we enjoy with a free Enrichment resource pack. What we have suggested please use alongside professional guidance.
We are members of a few enrichment groups and pages on Facebook here are the links
- Thunderhooves Equine Enrichment Group
- Enrichment for Horses
- EE Equine Enrichment
- Enriched Living for Equines
- Equine Enrichment
- Enriching Equines
- Paddock Paradise Track System - Natural Enrichment for Horses
These are a great source for information and inspiration.

quality time and relaxing
The time we enjoy with Kez is all about quality time for Kez and us. For us it is an opportunity to step off from the pressures of modern life. For us and Kez it is about enjoying time together and having mutual agreed fun. We enjoy many different activities which we are sharing on this page.
- FREE Relaxation for Humans and Equines Download. Including Practical Techniques that Cross the Species Divide.
- What is quality time? Here are my ponderings - Quality Time
- Being. Not Doing. Chilling Out. Here is an article I had published in Horsemanship Magazine - Chill Out.
- Shared Healing. Heart to Heart and Soul to Soul Connection. As a Reiki Practitioner Kez and I often share healing. It is an opportunity to enter a very personal space quietly together. A heart to heart and soul to soul connection is a truly wonderful gift to have with an equine . It is an area where I support others in development of this beautiful connection.
- We are a massive fan of the Trust Technique and enjoy using this method. It blends well with horsemanship and healing.

online showing and in hand dressAge
We love online showing and we have taken part in many different classes including in hand dressage. It is a wonderful way to enjoy celebrating everyday life with your equine. It is easy to take part and there are many online showing platforms that offer a range of classes, many suitable for non ridden equines. Kez has won many classes, in hand dressage through to being a first place winner for the muddy monster class. You have the fun of seeing all the other entries from people all over the world. Plus win beautiful rosettes and prizes. Here are the online showing platforms we have taken part in their shows. Links take you to their Facebook pages. The Mane Show. Global Showing. Horse Shows from Home. Equestrian Showing Online. Online Horse Showing. Showing4SAFE - Online Horse Shows for Charity. World Wide Horse Showing. Help 4 Horses Online Horse Showing. There are many other online showing platforms other than the ones we have listed for example Interdressage offer in hand classes.
Here is a blog I wrote - Have Fun with Online Showing.