We all have horses in our lives for very personal reasons. What we all share is the love of horses. It is a passion that runs deep. Our horses are our dreams and aspirations and much, much more.
If you are seeking to better understand your horse, to have a close partnership, bond and connection what I have to offer will interest you. Our horses are open to heart to heart and soul to soul connections with us. They have the ability to take us on profound journeys.
You may be experiencing issues, problems, or road blocks with your horse. And this close connection you seek is out of reach. Yet with help you and your horse can the banish issues and problems. The other side of this the heart to heart and soul to soul connection is there waiting for you.

Soul to soul and heart to heart connections are real.
How can I help you?
I will teach you how to connect with your horse in a kind and ethical way.
Your sessions will enable you to understand your horse.
I will teach you the language of the horse.
Your sessions will enable you to master the skills to tap into how horses communicate to develop your communication to two way dialogue.
I will teach you the layers within equine communication so you have the pathway to refinement to hear your horse.
I will share with you practical techniques to enable you to tune into your horse and communicate with your horse using dialogue.
If you and or your horse are on a healing journey I can assist you with this.
All of this is gentle and taken at the pace you and your equine require.
If any of the above is what you are seeking then please get in touch.
I am a very experienced and very respected equine communicator, horsemanship practitioner and I have studied Reiki and become a qualified Second Degree practitioner in the Usui Reiki Ryoho method of natural healing. My own horsemanship approach has been showcased in many national magazines. Click here to read for free the many published articles and much more.

Some Questions to Ponder
Do you and or your horse struggle to relax?
Are you and or your horse caught in a cycle of anxiety, nervousness or apprehension?
Maybe it is a loss of confidence?
Has mistrust crept into your relationship?
Have either of you had a traumatic time?
Have you and or your horse recently undergone medical treatment or had unpleasant experience?
Do you and or your horse dread certain activities?
Do you and or your horse suffer with irritation or worries?
Maybe you’re both feeling out of sorts?
Are you interested in learning how horses communicate?
Do you want to hear and understand your horse?
Do you want to be able to use an approach which is kind, soft and gentle?
Are you interested in a spiritual connection with your horse?
Maybe it is something not listed above. I am always happy to listen to what help you need. I am non judgemental. If it is an issue for you and or your horse I will take seriously your needs and aspirations.
What I offer is unique. You get 3 skill sets that beautifully complement each other.
Equine Communicator and Horsemanship Practitioner. I provide sessions that are all about you better understanding equine communication. They are very gentle, relaxing and very ethical. No force and no aversive pressure. It is miles away from "natural horsemanship" as no rope waving, no whip / carrot stick, no non permissive interaction with your horse. The sessions are to enable you and your horse to be calm, to relax and be able to tune into each other.
Reiki Treatments. I treat humans and animals. So I can provide healing for you and or your horse. Or you and your horse can share healing sessions together. Horses have no concept of a placebo effect. They enjoy Reiki healing and are very receptive to it. Horses use energy in the language of the herd and they are very sensitive to the healing energy of Reiki. I find horses are very able to decide how much Reiki they need, when they want to continue or stop taking healing. They will indicate to me which areas they want treating and how they would like to receive the Reiki. Some horses want to share the Reiki with their human or an equine pair bond. Every horse is unique, so I work with what each horse guides me to give. Reiki healing accelerates self-healing abilities. Aids better sleep, reduces blood pressure, helps with injuries, chronic problems & relieves pain. It assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins, reducing some of the side effects of medications. Reiki supports the immune system & increasing vitality. It helps spiritual growth & emotional wellbeing. Feeling better in body, mind, spirit & soul. 2 legs or 4 we are all energy, a spirit or some say a soul. Bonds between 2 souls (horse and human) can be profound and life changing.
Why is it Heart to Heart and Soul to Soul? The blend of equine communication, horsemanship and Reiki allows the heart to heart and soul to soul spiritual connection.

The sessions are most likely to be a mixture of the above. As my sessions are bespoke and totally centred around you and your equine's needs. One size does not fit all. So you can decide what feels right for you and your horse. So if you only wish stand alone horsemanship or reiki that is your choice.
Horses Are Great Healers. Often it is our own horse that is the only one who can guide us through the healing we need for mind, body, spirit and soul. I have used my combination of equine communication, horsemanship and reiki healing to support clients with their horses through some very personal and difficult times.
Horses Are Great Teachers. Often our horses are the ones who will enable us to learn life lessons. When you and your horse learn in a way that is fun it is the ignition to self-motivation and success. I will work with you and your horse in delivering sessions that are logical, informative and fun .
What Will You and Your Horse Gain from Equine Communication and Horsemanship?
A better understanding of how horses communicate.
Clearer two way communication between you and your horse.
An opportunity to embark on an ethical and more gentle way to interact with your horse.
A journey that will take you to a soul to soul connection.
Stress reduction, relaxation and harmony. Using relaxation techniques that cross the species divide and are embedded in the language of the herd.
A close bond and connection with your horse.
Resulting in a happier and more confident partnership.

Potential Benefits of Reiki:
- The sessions are gentle, relaxing and healing. It will never harm you or your horse.
- Creates deep relaxation and will help you and or your horse to release stress and tension. Triggering the body’s natural healing abilities, and improves and maintains health. Great for you and your horse as it accelerates the body’s self-healing abilities. Plus aids better sleep. For behavioural issues such as nervousness or lack of confidence using relaxation techniques will reduce stress, fear and anxiety.
- If you and or your horse have emotional problems such as those due to a traumatic situation such as abuse, neglect, or an accident, Reiki can help release and heal those emotions. It promotes health and wellbeing of the entire physical, emotional and psychic body. It helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing. It is great for both horses and people that are struggling emotionally and spiritually. Therefore it is truly a system of attaining and promoting wholeness of Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul.
- Reiki clears energy blocks and helps with horsemanship communication. So the blend of what I offer in horsemanship and reiki will greatly assist in strengthening the relationship and bond between you and your horse. Reiki healing is a natural therapy that gently balances life energies and brings health and wellbeing to the recipient. Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body into balance and harmony. Raises the vibrational frequency of the body and clears energy enabling clearer communication between horse and human.
- If you and or your horse are sick or injured, Reiki can improve and speed up healing. For serious illness, Reiki can help bring comfort and be a great compliment to conventional treatment. It can help with injuries and chronic health problems. Helps relieve pain. Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins. Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from drug therapy after surgery. Supports the immune system and increases vitality. Reiki will also provide additional energy required to recover from illness. It can be used to complement and enhance the health care a patient receives from other health care professionals.
- Healing returns us to a natural state. This matters in horsemanship as it enables the magical connection we seek with our horse.
- If your beloved horse is dying, Reiki can help bring peace and comfort to you and your horse during this difficult time.
It is very personal
There is a blurred line between equine communiation, horsemanship and healing. Deep meaningful healing with our horses is very personal and private.
The clients I work with, it is in the strictest of confidence.
The journey is a heart to heart and soul to soul experience for you and your horse. Horses are like divine mirrors and will reflect back to us what inner work must be done.
I have years of experience as a equine communicator, professional horsemanship practitioner and time and time again I saw how the horse was reflecting to their human the healing journey the pair should be taking. The harmony and partnership they seek is often bound deep in healing of minds, bodies and souls.
I work with people in a very gentle yet profound way to guide them on a healing journey with their horse.

Private one to one session for just for YOU without your horse. You can choose between equine communication theory, horsemanship theory, personal coaching sessions or aura reading and Reiki healing. If you travel to me in Coventry £35.00 per hour. If I travel to you £45.00 per hour plus travel. (I cover Coventry and Warwickshire)
Private one to one session for you and your horse at your yard. Equine communication, aura reading and Reiki healing or a blend. £50.00 per session plus travel. If more than one session is booked at the same venue to follow on from each other discount apply. 2 or 3 sessions back to back £45.00 per session plus travel split between the numbers of people booking sessions. (I cover Coventry and Warwickshire)
Small group workshops / clinics. Please Get in Touch to discuss what you would like. I am willing to travel beyond Coventry and Warwickshire for groups.


Here is what a few of my clients have to say about the benefits they have experienced
"My pony Ella was struggling to settle in her stable and after only 2 Reiki treatments she is more settled and hasn't been stressing when she's on her own.” Paula Mckenna
“All thanks to Vicki, who has over the last two years taught me to tap into my horse Tsar, which has been the best experience of my life! One example was showing me how to emotionally connect with Tsar. Nothing could have prepared me for the strength of feelings I got back from Tsar! Since that wonderful day we have continued to build on this in our groundwork, and I am now able in my ridden work to communicate with him by simply breathing and thinking. And yes it is as mad and magical as it sounds. Thank you Vicki.” Norma Brown and Tsar
"Vicki treated my horse Bobs with Reiki. It was an amazing experience. Bobs was suffering with many allergy issues and was very down in the dumps and itchy! Reiki hasn't been a cure and I've never been led to believe it would be, however, it has made a significant improvement on Bob’s emotional state and definitely helped him get through what has been an uncomfortable time. I am so appreciative of Vicki's help. She really has made a huge difference to mine and Bob's life.” Serena Vegad
"I just wanted to give you a quick update to tell you how Emerald was after seeing you for her Reiki treatment. We went out for a hack a couple of days later and she was unbelievably forward. Now, this may have had something to do with the strong wind but we did have to keep stopping for our companions to catch up which we've never had to do before and I'm sure it was because you had removed that energy blockage (she has always felt a bit 'stuck' behind as a result of her injury some 4 years ago). Anyway, my lovely lady that comes to do myofascial release on her came on Sunday and was really impressed as to how she was feeling - she hardly had to do anything at all. Sue has been treating Emerald for 18 months and Emerald has a top up every 6 weeks so Sue knows her really well - she said it was the best Emerald has looked and felt since she has known her. So there you go, I thought I'd just share that with you because whatever you did really worked, thank you!" Natalie & Emerald
Please note: Reiki is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or care. You should consult with the appropriate health practitioner in case of any medical condition.