my gifts to you - horsemanship resources
Over the years my ethos, approach and practice has been showcased and published in articles in many different magazines. I also share my insights, knoweldge and expertise in FREE to read blogs. I share these GIFTS with YOU for FREE. It is my investment in your horsemanship. You will find riding and non ridden resources here to enjoy for FREE.
They have been written for you to use alongside the support of a professional of your choice. Not as a replacement for professional guidance.

PUBLISHED ARTICLES. Below are the titles of articles I have had published in various magazines over the years. Click on the title to open the article. Some are non ridden and some for riding. They are not listed in any priority order. They are all FREE to read. Enjoy.
- The Power of Love
- The Art of Play - Parts One and Two
- Intent and Energy - (Unedited full version)
- Intent and Engery - (As Published)
- Intution
- Earth Angels
- Calm Assertiveness
- Chill Out
- Achieving Lightness - Schooling Bitless
- Be A Winner
- Riding The Storm
- Riding The Storm - The unedited full story
- A Piggy Bank
- The Picture Puzzle
- Panning For Gold
- The Emotional Dictionary
- The Last Resort
- Telegraphing In
- Maverick
- The Power of Thoughts
- Refine Your Horsemanship
- Confidence Building
- Motivation - How to Ingnite Self Motivation
- Motivation - Make Learning Fun
- Motivation - A Bit More About Learning
- Motivation - Bonding
- Motivation - The Connection
- Motivation - Chasing Moonbeams
- Set Yourself Up For Success
- The Warrior Horse - Breast Cancer and Horses

BLOGS. Many of these blogs I wrote some time ago and appeared on my old website. Please ignore the date is says it was published. Please click on the titles of the article you would like to read. All FREE.
- Children are Our Future
- What if You Could be More Horse?
- Seen, Heard and Understood.
- Sitting at the Crossroads
- Who Would Like to See Change Happen
- Not in My Lifetime
- Addictive, Magical and Amazing Horses
- Mounting Made Easy
- Dispelling Myths and Challenging Thinking
- Golden Gifts in Crappy Paper
- Great Minds and Educators
- Banish Anxiety - Horsemanship and Beyond
- Emotion and Inner Love
- Dream Sellers – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- Catch me if You Can
- The Lucky One?
- Motivation
- Earth Angels and Soul Companions
- Warriors, Healers, Earth Angels and Soul Companions
- Friendships
- Empathy and Equine Compassion
- Your Smart Horse
- Have Fun With On-Line Showing
- Farewell to Riding – Tears of Blood
- The Non Ridden Horse
- What is Horse Ownership About?
- Ownership And The Welfare Crisis
- Ridicule or Compliment? The Pasture or Field Ornament Horse
- Let’s Go Walkies
- Trust and Trustworthiness + Respect and Respectfulness = A Healthy Relationship
- Who is Fully Signed up with Consistent Commitment?
- Relaxation and Living the Equine Dream
- The Foundation Stones
- Are You The Chairman of The Meeting?
- The Perfection Stick
- Horsemanship & Reiki Fusion
- Get On Target with Using More YES
- The Problem is Not the Problem it is your Attitude to the Problem.