
Many of these blogs I wrote some time ago and appeared on my old website. Please ignore the date is says it was published. Enjoy. 

A Poem - Sentient Souls

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Non ridden started because of me,

The rich diversity is out there to see.

The equine world is in love with riding,

So non ridden was often hiding.

The equine industry can be cruel,

Often only seeing sentient souls as a tool.

We stood up and spoke out,

Then got judged and kicked about.

Bullying is out there two legs or four,

We got battered and knocked to the floor. 

Harassed and pressured enough to cry,

We refuse to go to our limits and die.

We are not alone in being abused,

Some love to watch to be amused.

The equine industry infighting is rife,

And the fallout causes harm to life.

All souls should be cherished and seen,

Sadly plenty don't care and are mean.

Will we be silenced in our mission?

No, not while some want to listen.

Self-interest at heart from external force,

Pushed us about with no remorse.

Yet here we stand and try our best,

Because we have faced a bigger test.

Battling cancer and going to hell's gates,  

We have all done it on team Yates.

Facing mortality life is a precious gift,

And bovine faecal matter we refuse to sift.

Kez x ❤ x

senitent souls

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